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How we do it...


We aim to help make life less complicated and more enjoyable by being mobile again and by regaining your independance when comes to driving.


The lovely part is that there are a vast amount of conversion systems and options to choose from. Therefore we urge you to choose your system setup that fits your lifestyle, profile or simply your own individual liking. One system setup can have various options on offer. You might want to choose from a budget option, something more practical or even just plain fancy. We understand the diverse needs and therefore cater for every option as far possible.


EZ-Drive has been installing and developing adaptation devices since 1999. Our products line have been growing vigorously as customer needs are ever emerging. By keeping up to date with all the latest motor vehicles, technologies and trends, we are more than capable in accommodating your every need when it comes to driving. We pride ourselves in being a proud South African company providing the most extensive range of adaptation devices available in the country, AND we are able to install them all !


Our systems and adaptation devices integrates seamlessly and harmoniously with most vehicle brands or models, and our installations are done without violating vehicle manufacturer OEM specifications of original parts.


Contact EZ-Drive today to find out about your project solution, whether it is Private, Commercial or Fleet vehicles! In-house project consultations, design costs and quotations is 'on the house'!


Thank you for choosing EZ-Drive to help you get mobile, properly and correct, the first time!


STUNNING homework ensures a PROPER ride...
or is it the other way round..?

Cell - 071 362 9350
Fax - 086 666 1942